The Elk Creek Recreation and Leisure Board is comprised of 9 appointed members, 2 from each of the municipalities, Lake City Borough, Girard Township and Girard Borough, as well as 2 members from the Girard School District and one member at large. A paid Director is in charge of running the programs.

The focus of the Board is to coordinate and facilitate programs for youth, as well as adults, in the area to participate in. These programs include a wide variety of activities such as basketball leagues, soccer leagues, dance, gymnastics, swimming lessons and swim teams, as well as special events such as Cabin Fever and National Night Out.

The Elk Creek Recreation and Leisure Board meets the 3rd Tuesday of each month at the Girard Borough Building at 7pm.

Phone number: 814-240-8540 or Email:

Check back often for new programs and events.

Find us on Facebook – Elk Creek Recreation

Mailing address: Elk Creek Recreation and Leisure Board

P.O. Box 95 Girard, PA 16417